Our signature transformation system for the people who want lasting change.

If you have health and fitness goals, you are in the right place. This program has helped hundreds of people transform their bodies, mental health and eating habits with longevity in mind.

Movement Icon
Nutrition Icon

Fitness Training

Nutrition Education

Accountability Icon
Mental Health Icon


Mindset Coaching

How It Works

Personalised fitness coaching at Think Fit


All new members work their way through
phase 1 of group fitness training, nutrition education and mindset management techniques.

All of this empowered by highly-skilled coaches and an inclusive community, members reach their wellbeing goals.

Personalised strength training at Think Fit


Once the results shine through, we work on keeping them. With all the tools and coaching, showing up becomes a lot easier.

For some high-achievers, that means new goals to upgrade are made again.

Who Is It For?


This program is entirely scalable, meaning everything can be completely adapted to your fitness level and ability.

No one starts from the same position. We know that, and so that’s why we take the time to understand you during your initial introduction.


Already in the fitness scene and looking to level up? Our knowledgeable coaches can get you there with movement alterations and strategic program modifications.

Once you understand the basics, we’ll help you to achieve those goals!

More than just fitness training:

What You Get

We are known in the community by our unwavering support and genuine communication.


  • Unlimited access to classes that are designed to help you lose weight, build strength and improve mobility.

  • Mobility Training to improve your bodies ability to move. Live pain free!

  • Body Scan (First Session & Week 3)

White background with black text that reads 'BOO' and a small spider dangling from the 'O'.
GIF of Buzz Lightyear dancing to Gangnam Style
Character in a futuristic suit with sword, dark background
logo design with a stylized letter 'G' and 'A' with geometric shapes


  • Think Fit’s Nutrition Approach. No more calorie counting! Remove the guilt and frustration around food.

  • Nutrition Guide and ongoing support.


  • Integrating our ‘Good, Better, Best’ approach for long term success.

  • Coach Lukes ‘Wisdom Wednesday’ Seminars.

  • Introductory ‘Goal Setting’ (Intro Session).


  • Accountability coaching to help keep you on track. Based on a more hands on start then scaled as you progress

  • Exclusive access to a support and members-only page.

  • Simple habit tracking system to improve your health holistically.

 Frequently Asked Questions

  • No it will not. Building lean muscle mass is actually the best way to reduce body fat. It takes decades and a lot of disciplined eating to build big muscles. Women in general will tone up before showing more muscle.

  • DEPENDS. If you do have pre-exsisting injuries our highly qualified coaches would do a movement assessment with you and make sure we are able to help you with the right style of training. If the injury is high risk we will refer you to one of our partner Physio practises to build a sustainable approach to your journey based on your injuries.

  • You will have access to meal plans and the knowledge to build your own meal plan.

  • We prefer that you do have your own gloves due to covid and hygiene reasons but if you do happen to forget we have some spare gloves available.

  • F45 is a circuit based program that is random exercise choices put together to burn calories. Our programs are designed for increasing functional strength and mobility. You do not watch a tv to learn the move you have a coach that will be available to correct your form.

    You will do multiple sets to improve your ability. We make workouts varied but not random so you can maximise results and see improvement, increasing functional strength while burning body fat and improving mobility.

  • You are a name not a number at Think Fit.

    We are only able to have a certain number of members and people in each class. At other gyms you may be 1 of a few thousand members and classes may not be capped. We offer a personalised experience inside and outside of the training sessions so you get the best of both worlds.


Transform your body, transform your life.
Begin with a free intro session!